Graduation in Phnom Penh
3 July 2005

Our first graduation ceremony was in Banteay Meanchey Province.  The second was in Kampot Province.  The third was in Phnom Penh where the Deaf Development Program has three classes of students.

We had planned to have only two classes in Phnom Penh, but after the first two classes had been in operation more than a year and a half, we had a large number of students wanting to join. Not wishing them to have to wait for perhaps a year, we started a third class.  This third class has had only a portion of the total education program, but we gave them certificates today also because our program will be closed for six months from July to December, 2005 while we train our teachers in deaf education.

Students listening to the introduction

The ceremony begins with a welcome for all the students and their family members who accompanied them

Receiving a certificate

Certificates were presented to each of the students in all three classes

Sign language users "applaud" by waving their hands in the air in place of clapping which they can't hear

A student gives his reflections

One of the students reflected on his years before and after attending the DDP program

A parent gives his reflection

One of the parents also offered his comments and thanks to DDP

Pictures after the ceremony

Many photos were taken after the ceremony

DDP Class A
DDP Class B
DDP Class C

The A, B, and C Classes

Banteay Meanchey  |  Kampot  |  Svay Rieng  |  Kampong Speu

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