




DDP Strategic Planning
26-30 May 2008


26 May -- Day 1

Today was devoted to introductions and a plan for the week in the morning, and then we began to look at DDP strengths and weaknesses, graphing them in small groups to show the high points and low points of DDP's short history.

The Deaf Development Programme staff and workshop participants arriving at the meeting venue. We used a meeting room at the Catholic parish near the river.
Sarith, a field worker from Kampot, takes the lead in an ice breaker to start the morning.
Phanny (right), the workshop facilitator launches into the week's work with Phirom as his sign language interpreter.
Some staff from the provinces, taking advantage of the opportunity to meet with the Phnom Penh staff, check some bookkeeping details from their education project.
We have about 35 people participating in most sessions, from Phnom Penh and three provinces.
After an afternoon break, there was another game to bring people back together, literally in this activity.
Working on a diagram showing some of the ups and downs of DDP's history in the last decade.
Giving a small group report.

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