Maryknoll Deaf Development Programme

Visit to Epic Arts Center

9 November 2010

As part of this trip to Kampot, we visited the Epic Art Center also, a large facility where people with disabilities and people without disabilities learn to perform together.
Office of Epic Arts Center
Today was a holiday but several volunteers from Australia were working in the office of the Epic Arts performance center.  It was good to meet them and help build up relationships between Epic Arts and the Deaf Development Programme.
Two deaf arts students
Two of the deaf students were preparing to watch a video that demonstrated a new performance skill they wanted to learn, something call SpinStix, two sticks which are twirled around in something like a circus act.
Art students taking a break
Although a holiday, the deaf and other students were still at the center today.  Just as we arrived, they had a break time and went outside to chat and eat a few bananas.
Student with Downs Syndrome
This young man is a special student at the center.  He has Downs Syndrome and is a warm-hearted, loving person who wants to be part of everything that goes on.
In the practice hall
After the break, the students gathered again in the performance hall to continue to develop a performance and practice their moves.  Most of this group are deaf.  One young man uses a wheelchair as he performs with them.

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