APCD Office





Visit to APCD in Bangkok
3 January 2008


APCD staff In November, the staff of the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability came to Phnom Penh to present a workshop on deafness. As a follow up to this workshop, Charlie Dittmeier visited the APCD office in Bangkok on the way to meetings in southern Thailand.
The president of the National Association of the Deaf, Thailand.
A meeting of APCD with the president of NADT.
APCD has a wonderful training center at their headquarters, built with funds from the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA). APCD organizes training here for people with disabilities from all over Asia.
The meeting room in the training center.
The computer training laboratory, equipped with computers with all sorts of assistive devices to help people with disabilities.
The dining room of the training center.
The center has fully accessible accommodations for about 35 people with disabilities at one time.
APCD even has its own accessible bus for taking people with disabilities on field trips and site visits as part of their training.

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