Deaf Education Training

by Kathy Kremer

11 November 2005

Kathy Kremer teaching at DDP

Kathy Kremer is a Maryknoll lay missioner who is specialist in working with children with disabilities.  She is very good at creating teaching materials appropriate to the culture and the students, and she was invited to speak and demonstrate her skills to the ten trainees at the Deaf Development Program who are preparing to be teachers of deaf students.  Here she gives an explanation while Von interprets for her.

Demonstrating an activity

Here Kathy demonstrates a math activity, to help students understand the mathematics concepts more easily by being able to see and handle quantities in a fun and engaging way.

Kathy Kremer teaching at DDP

Our teachers often lack the creativity and ideas necessary to really engage their students.  That sort of creativity is not encouraged or taught to teachers in Cambodia.  We would like Kathy to return to DDP to work with our teachers more in the future.

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