Visit to Mith Samlanh

by Deaf Students

8 February 2006

Skills Training Project

The Deaf Development Program is preparing to begin a job skills training project to improve employment opportunities for deaf people. After surveying the wishes of many deaf people and researching the training options, DDP is now preparing to start a pilot training project with Mith Samlanh (Friends), a local NGO that works with street children.  Today a group of deaf students visited Mith Samlanh to see their ten different skills training areas.  Next six of the students will be selected for the pilot project.

Mith Samlanh introductions

Upon arriving at Friends, the deaf students were welcomed by the Mith Samlanh director and shown a video about Mith Samlanh's work with street children

Mith Samlanh activity center

One of the stops on the tour of the Mith Samlanh facility was a large activity area, well used by the hundreds of street children receiving and education and training

Radio-TV repair workshop

A radio and television repair workshop

Food service training area

The dining and food service training area

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