Visitors to the
Skills Development Project

28 November 2007

Today a group of visitors came to see the DDP Skills Development Project. Here Petra, one of our sign language students, speaks to Horn Chhunlim, the DDP Skills Development Project Officer, in the barbering section of the Mith Samlanh training center where three deaf students are learning.


Parak, a computer engineer recently moved to Phnom Penh, was the reason for the visit to Mith Samlanh and DDP, so that he might get an idea of what we are doing and what we need. Here he talks to Patricia, another member of our sign language class.


At the end of the visit, our group talked with the center manager of the Mith Samlanh training center which has 364 students as of today. Mith Samlanh works with street children, giving them an education and a trade for making a living.

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