Basic Education Teacher Training







Teacher Training
10-21 August 2009


The Basic Education Project of the Deaf Development Programme has six teachers in Phnom Penh and Kampong Cham and Kampot Provinces. Touch Sophy is the Project Officer for Basic Education and Ly Bolika is the Project Assistant. Every year the teachers receive training in deaf education and better teaching techniques from Celina Campas, a Maryknoll Lay Missioner who is the advisor to the Basic Education Project.

Touch Sophy began teaching at DDP in the first group of teachers. She is now the Project Officer for the Basic Education Project. Touch Sophy
Two of the teachers preparing an assignment during class. Preparing an assignment
All the DDP teaching is done in Cambodian Sign Language so the teacher training always involves further training in sign language. Sign language training
One part of the training was for the teachers to meet with Neang Thary, the DDP accountant, to hear her explanation of different forms and procedures for finances at DDP. Meeting with the accountant
During the teacher training, the school is closed and the students have a long vacation. After the training period, the teachers enjoy another week off before returning to the classroom. A training session
Two teachers learning new signs. Practicing sign language
Tashi Bradford is DDP's resident sign language linguist. A teacher at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC, Tashi is with DDP for about two years. Here she helps the teachers learn the basics of signing as a language. Tashi Bradford
The teachers appreciate the language training which helps them communicate more readily with their students and to teach in greater depth. Sign language training
Sometimes during the training, deaf people who serve as sign language teachers for DDP came to the training to work with the teachers in small groups. Small group sign language training
Celina Campas designed and organized all the teacher training. Her efforts have made the DDP teachers literally six of the best teachers in Cambodia. Celina monitoring the groups
Toward the end of the training, a group discussion helped the teachers to reflect on what they had learned in the two weeks in Phnom Penh. A group discussion

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