




FAD in Cambodia / Day 5
2 March 2007


Neang Thary, DDP accountant Nanny Stenman spent a large part of her final day in Cambodia with the DDP accountant, Neang Thary. Thary, pictured here in an untypical more relaxed moment, is one of the busiest people at DDP--and one of the most conscientious and hard-working. She and Nanny spent many hours this week going over accounts.
Ouk Sambo and Justin Smith In the morning there was a meeting with the advisors (Justin Smith, pictured here; Celina Campas; and Stephanie Linder) to clarify their mutual roles. Then Nanny met with another staff member before going to her hotel to pack. Charlie met with her at 5:00 PM and then she went to the airport for the return trip to Helsinki.
The end

February 26  |  27  |  28  |  March 1  |  2

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